A few months ago I made the decision not to show my sketchbook to anybody. Not even if they asked really nicely. I did this mainly because when it comes to drawing, I have an ego. Its embarrassing to admit but its true. I like to think that I'm ok at drawing, and I like to think that my peers think the so too. If I'm sketching in my sketch book and there's a chance that other people will see all my ridiculous ideas and shitty sketches I tend to get afraid, and draw something I already know how to draw. Thats not what I want from sketching. I know that to get a good idea I have to work through 9 really bad ones. I cant skip the bad ones. They are part of the good one. So I stopped letting people look through my sketchbook. Now I love drawing more than I ever have.
Because you are my friends I want to share a few pages of my sketchbook. Im not saying these are the good ideas I've mentioned. Just ideas I thought were funny or kind of got into. None of them well drawn or executed, but they were fun. Hopefully the well drawn good ideas will surface over the next few months/years.
An idea for a poster I was asked to make. |
I love "There Will Be Blood" the "Fuck" is a study from A Type of Show exhibit |
I caught a plane the other day |
Theres an amazing pie shop near my place in Newtown called Pie Tin. Its good for drawing. |
While I was at Dr D I got a lot of drawing time as I waited for shots to come through. |
My good buddy Simon Westlake. |
In other life news. I finished working on Happy Feet 2 a few weeks ago. Im now working with the super great folks at
Mighty Nice. I should be able to release some really fun work I've been doing with them v soon. Stay tuned! Oh and I'm also studying with iAnimate. Which has taken up a lot of my time, it has been a pretty big factor in not posting anything lately.
Hope you're all well
my favourite is the hand stand boy, weeeeee. he reminds me of you! I want a copy of that one to frame next to my seahorse! (which is finally framed btw)
Also loving your fonts...would love to see you incorporating them more into your work! x
Nice to see some more Alex Grigg posts... keep em coming! xo
Great stuff Alex
I don't think I've come across anyone who is completely happy with showing their sketchbook.
But I'm glad for the artists that do. It's inspiring and motivating.
Thanks for sharing.
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